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BastionLedger-1.0.2 Released

This is our double-entry ledger system, integrating ledger, inventory and order management, payroll, and shareholder management.

Financial accounting is a very complicated field, and it is impossible to cover the myriad of local jurisdictional issues necessary for maximum utility. We have addressed this with the concept of a Locale, whereby we are attempting to create a massive financials meta-database from which to configure your ledger, and to accept updates as the static requirements of your jurisdiction change over time.

This product is clearly of considerable commercial value. We have chosen to release it to the community for a variety of reasons - most particularly to gain access to the variety of developers from all over the world necessary to create a premier accountancy product.

We really need genuinely interested and skilled people to help us create the rich meta-database required to make this the truely useful product it clearly can be.

For an enlarged treatise upon the entire project, it's scope, it's potential, downloading, and most importantly how you can contribute, please visit